Thursday, June 18, 2009

Calling all ACTIVE RESERVIST with DFAS problems

Not that I'm not interested in ALL DFAS problems but I'm particularly interested in ACTIVE RESERVIST that are being FALSELY accused of BAH fraud. So far, it seems that any active reservist who did not use the "recommended" leasing company is being investigated. There is a HUGE inconsistency in the investigations. Some soldiers do not get any pay deducted, some get it deducted before the investigation is finished.

Please send an email to Senator Jim DeMint's office:

Attn: Amanda Scott

By the way, I've been told that the Reservist in California do not submit travel pay vouchers. They are issued a per diem and can stay and do whatever they want to. For example, my friend in California, activated reservist, said they are issued a per diem and soldiers are renting double wides and staying together to save money. In Columbia, 4 soldiers shared an apt BUT they issued travel vouchers as if they had individual apartments. So, Yes that was wrong but is it any different than what they are doing in California??? What happened to an Army of one?

We have also been told by a "congressional liaison" that hundreds of these congressionals are being processed on a daily basis. Of course, this was the same congressional liaison that absolutely assured us that all we had to do was go to a certain website to resubmit our remission packet. 15 minutes later we called a SUPERVISOR at DFAS who said that was absolutely not true and gave us a form number to download. He said that website was no longer used and that we absolutely had to use the form he indicated. Then we went to the file we had already submitted numerous times (needing something different) and checked the form we had already submitted and GUESS stated that the form that supervisor JUST told us to use - OBSOLETE!! It's like dealing with a bunch of 5 year olds! It will drive you crazy.

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